Heart tattoos have many different meanings depending on the design they have such as the broken heart can mean sadness, loss of a loved one or a failed relationship. A heart that bleeds may refer to a broken relationship or lost love. A heart with an arrow may refer to a broken heart or sad memories of a relationship. A heat with wings means a free spirit and a heart with a dagger may mean bravery or betrayal. Heart tattoos are popular on the body in places such as the arms, chest, back and ankles. Some heart tattoos are personal and have people’s names written across them that are important in your life. During wartime, heart tattoos with the American flag are very popular. Many times people have a boyfriend or girlfriends name put in a heart tattoo but be careful because if you separate you will still have the tattoo on your body with their name on it reminding you of the relationship everyday. So consider it carefully before you go and get this type of tattoo.
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