Right Heart Tattoo Designs

Heart Tattoo designs are one of the most popular tattoo designs, especially amongst females. Heart tattoo designs are also one of the most popular Christain Tattoo Designs.

After all, it is the heart that gives you life, and it is also the heart that needs to be changed.

The heart is the center of our being, our spirituality and often our conscience.

The heart is also overall considered as the symbol of love.

Think about the very clear message that is conveyed by the symbol of a heart broken in two, or better still, in pieces! What image comes to mind when you hear the phrase: “ It feels like my heart has been ripped out.” Or “My heart is so full, it feels like it could burst”

Did you know that the Beast in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast had a heart tattooed on his backside? The heart is only briefly visible once during the scene where the Beast yells to Beauty to Get Out!! Apparently this is only visible in the “Work in Progress” Laserdisc of the film. In the finished version, the tattoo was obscured by the Beast’s cape. Fact of fiction? You be the judge.

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