The Snake Tattoos

Carlotta is an ex-cop turned private investigator. She drives a cab in Boston to augment her income from investigations. This is the second in the series and I enjoyed it just as much as the first one.

Joe Mooney was Carlotta’s boss when she was a cop. They’re still friends, so when Joe needs help, he hires Carlotta. He’s been suspended for a brawl in a bar. None of the witnesses are backing Joe’s version of the events of that night. He remembers a blond with a snake tattoo who saw the whole thing and hires Carlotta to track her down.

While looking for the tattooed woman in a rotten part of town, Carlotta finds herself with a nervous teen-aged boy in her cab who wants a ride home. Before the evening is out he’s also hired Carlotta to find his friend, neighbor, and schoolmate; a fourteen year old girl who’s missing.

Both cases play out as the book proceeds, along with the saga of a remodel gone wrong (in many different ways) in Carlotta’s bathroom.

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