In classic folklore, ladybugs are surrounded with superstitions and beliefs. For example, it’s believed that if a ladybug lands on someone, that person will have good luck. Or if a ladybug lands on a married woman’s hand, the number of spots on the ladybug’s back will correspond with the number of children she’ll bear. Also, it’s said that if a ladybug lands on a sick person’s hand, it’ll cure the illness. In addition, it’s widely known that if someone catches a ladybug, they should make a wish and the ladybug will make it come true. Because ladybugs are such a diverse symbol, no one can be exactly sure what a person is trying to convey by getting a ladybug tattoo.
For all those reasons and many more, ladybug tattoos have become incredibly popular. Many people opt for a small, traditional design, perhaps on the ankle or the shoulder. However, there are a lot of creative, non-traditional ladybug tattoos available as well. For example, it’s not necessary to limit the ladybug to its usual red wings and black spots.
Being such a well-known symbol of luck and fortune, ladybug tattoos have been and will remain a popular tattoo for many years to come. But just because it’s popular doesn’t mean it can’t be unique. Just by using a little bit of imagination and doing the proper amount of research, it’s easy to come up with a design unlike any other.
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