Malang Tattoo Community

Many people at the time of assessing the person wearing the tattoo is a criminal and drug user, but the modern era like now is a regular tattoo. Tattoos certainly hears the name of imagination digiring directly with the images that are in some parts of the body. Some agencies also all decorated with ink paintings ditusuk a needle or a temporary. In fact, now the color according to taste. If pesanannya rose tattoo, the black and red combination. But if the dragon image is selected, then the dominant color green.

In the city of Malang, it is not difficult to find the tattoo studio. Because there are some who became central Plaza of making tattoos. Just a Malang Plaza, Plaza Gajahmada, Ramayana, and Matos. If reluctant to go to shopping malls because of many visitors, the home is also a lot of tattoos in the city of Malang.

Especially in the area of Sukun, Dinoyo, and Landungsari. Concerning the quality, the taste and depend on the assessment. A clear, tattoo artists in the Plaza and the village joined in the majority of MTC. Typically, workers run the tattoo art of this business to open a special booth body piercing or piercing art. "Initially I only departure from the hobby ago to open the home-business," said Gatot Listiono, one of the members of the MTC has a booth labeled Indie tattoo Tattoo in Gajahmada Plasa this since 2000.

Because the only hobby, Gatot no formal study to know the specifics tattoo. All knowledge gained in self-taught tattoo. Either from reading magazines, direct view of making tattoo, and the Internet. "I wrestle with a long tattoo in Bali and Yogyakarta," he said.

For Gatot, menekuni tattoo art not only on skills menorehkan ink. But more than that. Especially in the case of sanitation equipment tattoo. For permanent tattoos, needles should be used once. So also with the ink that once sedot. Including, gloves and cotton-use. "The key is higienitas. Not just clean but sterile," explained male native Malang this.

Moreover, in order to maintain the quality and consumer health, Gatot and other tattoo artists in the city of Malang, real big fish capital. For ink, for example. Can not use any ink. In fact, the ink is always used Gatot products imported from the United States and Australia reached the price of hundreds of thousands of rupiah.

Once a message via the internet plus postage and ink can the price of Rp 200 thousand - Rp 500 thousand per 10 cc. Needle being used is the type of needle Akupuntur. "For all completely sterile, including the use of ink that once tuang, the rate of making permanent tattoos can be five times of temporary tattoo that is only Rp 10 thousand per image," he said.

Dany Prahastanto, MTC decipher the communication, this community is officially a new form 2005-2006 then. Terbentuknya community than mewadahi young people at a time penggila tattoo facilitate communication and coordination of tattoo artists. "Before the MTC form, many workers moved tattoo art itself," said Dany, found in the stan Bad Boy Tattoo, also in Gajahmada Plaza.

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